A New Hope Center partners to help raise awareness of abuse issues, offer services, and support other community providers in best practices to support survivors of domestic and sexual violence. These teams often include law enforcement, social services, human service providers, child welfare, prosecution, family court personnel, mental health and substance abuse therapists.

Education and Training
A New Hope Center provides programs to increase awareness for the general public and enhance best practices by professionals. These programs are customized to meet the needs of the requesting organizations.
Please call for more information.
The ITP Community Change Project
The ITP Community Change Project aims to hold domestic violence offenders accountable. As part of the program, mandated participants are accepted, compliance is tracked, and education about domestic violence is provided. Those that choose to change, can.
The program is run under the principles defined by the NOMAS Model for DV Offender Programs.
Please call 607-687-6576 for more information about the ITP Community Change Project.