Let’s explore enhancing safety in several kinds of circumstances:
Safety while together
1.First, trust your intuition.
Prepare a “just in case I need to leave” plan.
Consider who else to tell and how you hope they’ll help if needed.
Know safer places in the home to go if the violence escalates.
Consider exits and potential for harm in each space.
2. Strategize for possible situations.
Possibilities if at work or in other public locations.
Possibilities if driving.
Possibilities if there’s drinking or substance use.
3. Consider what’s worked in the past to de-escalate.

Safety if thinking of leaving
This can be a high-risk time, as controlling partners may be aware, feel more threats to their power, and be more manipulative or escalate.
Trust your intuition.
Talk with an advocate to strategize about this.
Safety after separation
Trust your intuition.
Consider if an Order of Protection or establishing custody and visitation might be useful to maintain safety.

Connect with ANHC
ANHC advocates can help strategize with each of the circumstances.
We are aware of resources that can help as well.
We are aware of many abuser tactics to keep people entrapped and afraid, and can talk them through.
We believe in empowering you to make the most informed decisions that will most likely work for you.
Get help today
Office hours:
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Monday - Friday
24 hour hotline / textline:
20 Church Street, Owego, NY 13827